Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Green Tip - Coconut oil...and then some!!

I have been experimenting off and on with consuming more of a raw diet for the last few months now. I will admit some weeks are more raw than others, but even just getting more fruits and veggies into my diet has made me feel much better.

One of the main oils used in the raw culture is Coconut oil because it is not processed and completely natural. In one of the books I found the author noted that she uses coconut oil, not only as a moisturizing natural alternative to shaving cream or gel, but also that she uses it as an eye makeup remover!! So of course, I had to try it...and yes it works, extremely well actually. It's also used as a good carrier oil for massage. So instead of buying a bottle of shaving cream and a tube of makeup remover - you can save all that packaging and just buy a large tub of coconut oil and use it for many different purposes. A nice environmentally friendly natural resource!

I shared my new found information with a girlfriend a few weeks ago and she just sent me a really great article on coconut oil and some health benefits of using it...including help with weight loss, immunity, and skin irritations. I thought I would share the link for the article as makes for some very interesting reading and potentially a few more naturally healthy people!

Happy reading!
Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne
The Healing Oasis Team