Thursday, January 27, 2011

New blogging place

Hello friends and readers. We have a great new website for The Healing Oasis with it's own blog. Check out for our latest recipes, courses, and health information. Thank you for all your support as we continue to grow and help our community.

Yours in Health,
Whitney Young, ND.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Upcoming Reiki Classes in Barrie

Learn to Channel Energy for Yourself and Others

Our Reiki Master, Anna Nicol presents classes at The Healing Oasis in Barrie.

Anna is a Scottish born nurse, registered reflexologist and reiki master. Please phone for more information or to register for the classes.


Level 1 & 2

Sept 4th & 5th or Sept 13th & 14th

Master Level (3)

Oct. 9th & 10th

All classes will be held at The Healing Oasis, 25 Berczy Street Barrie.

Please call 705-735-0959 for more information.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School Lunch Dilemma

Yes, I saw the first back-to-school commercial on TV as soon as August hit. The summer is going way too fast but let's squeeze as many more memories out of this one as possible.

However, we can't deny that school is upon us. I got a recent email newsletter from EWG - the Environmental Working Group - which I subscribe to.

Many Moms and Dads are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact on our health and their children's health. What can parents do to lessen the environmental toxic burden on their kids? Here are a few tips I found in that newsletter:


These hold food, so it is especially important that lunch boxes contain fewer toxic materials. Look for boxes with NO lead paint, PVC, BPA and antimicrobial chemicals. Some options are

- Cotton lunch bags

- BPA-free plastic

- Unpainted stainless steel boxes

Try reusing utensils from home and pack food in reusable, rather than disposable, containers.

- lightweight stainless steel

- #1, 2, 4, or 5 plastics

Buy a safer lunch box on Amazon and you will donate money to EWG by going to website and click through to Amazon.
For more tips on lunch ideas read our past posts as well as check The Healing Oasis out on facebook.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Green Tip - Coconut oil...and then some!!

I have been experimenting off and on with consuming more of a raw diet for the last few months now. I will admit some weeks are more raw than others, but even just getting more fruits and veggies into my diet has made me feel much better.

One of the main oils used in the raw culture is Coconut oil because it is not processed and completely natural. In one of the books I found the author noted that she uses coconut oil, not only as a moisturizing natural alternative to shaving cream or gel, but also that she uses it as an eye makeup remover!! So of course, I had to try it...and yes it works, extremely well actually. It's also used as a good carrier oil for massage. So instead of buying a bottle of shaving cream and a tube of makeup remover - you can save all that packaging and just buy a large tub of coconut oil and use it for many different purposes. A nice environmentally friendly natural resource!

I shared my new found information with a girlfriend a few weeks ago and she just sent me a really great article on coconut oil and some health benefits of using it...including help with weight loss, immunity, and skin irritations. I thought I would share the link for the article as makes for some very interesting reading and potentially a few more naturally healthy people!

Happy reading!
Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne
The Healing Oasis Team

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Balance" is it a myth or reality? Reiki, is that a myth or reality?

By Jessy Morrison, Body Talk Practitioner and Reiki Master

Can we segment our time into thirds?

1/3 for the kids, for my job, for me... Well maybe 1/3 for my spouse, or my hobby, and my parents, and my job...

Oops forgot about housework, paying the bills, but the garden needs doing, and what about visiting friends...or um catching up on facebook and maybe a little TV.... oh ya I forgot to sleep, oh am I supposed to eat more than a shake too?!

I think the "How to..." books are missing the mark, it's not about fitting more into time segments; rather it is about doing less (but not neglecting things) about being present in the moment as we are doing (experiencing), about breathing deeper and not about fretting about what still needs to be done, or what might happen, or did happen.

Worry is meditating on the negative.
Faith ends when worry begins.
Worry ends when faith begins.

What gave me balance in my life when my Type A personality was in overdrive? "Reiki", that fine tuning of meditative unconditional love. If I could learn to use and be Reiki, anyone can. It's about living through the experience of life, health, illness, trauma, and drama in Alpha Waves, not the Beta cortisol state of fear. Fear is a great mobilizer, gets you out of danger fast... but with computers, TV's electromagnetic stress, relationship stress, financial stress, toxins & media hype, it is easy for us to lose sight of peace. Reiki energy is Peace.

Is your life in PEACE or in PIECES?
Looking for an ancient healing method to integrate into your modern lifestyle, join me on July 9th for the first stage of living in healing balance. Like pieces of a jig saw puzzle we live our lives in bits, what helps us synthesize and integrate it in Peace? REIKI.

Come find out if its is a myth or reality. For me it is the only reality.

FOr those of you who have taken Stage 1, but never used your Reiki Talent join us for Reiki Level 2 (beyond time and space) to begin to integrate your God given gift daily, for yourself, your pets, and your family.

July 9th & August 13th

RSVP Jessy 705-241-8680

Saturday, June 26, 2010

C-Section Babies and Probiotics

Babies are born by cesarean section (c-section) for a variety of reasons such as a long labour at risk of infection and if the mother or the baby's health is at risk.

When a baby is born naturally and vaginally through the birth canal head first, it takes up the bacteria from the canal. The baby swallows this bacteria and it is deposited throughout its digestive tract. As gross as this might sound to you, this is an extremely important process for developing the baby's digestive tract and immune system.

Delivery by c-section is associated with a moderate risk increase of allergic rhinitis, asthma, hospitalization for asthma, and perhaps food allergies as found in a meta-analysis study by Bager et al in 2008 in the journal of Clinical and Experimental Allergy.

If your baby is delivered by c-section, there is still something you can do about it to help prevent these kinds of conditions from developing. Providing a high quality infant probiotic for a year can help to give your baby some of the good bacteria it needs for its digestive tract and immune system.

It is best to consult your naturopathic doctor or health care provider about this for a particular product that is best for your situation.
By Dr. Whitney Young, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at The Healing Oasis

Friday, June 4, 2010

Top 5 Reasons to See A Naturopathic Doctor in Barrie

1. You STILL don't feel well. All your tests are "normal" and your current health provider has taken you as far as he or she can. You are still not feeling well. A Naturopathic Doctor will help bring your body back into balance.

2. We work in partnership with you. You are the expert in you and how you feel. I am the expert in the detective work to figure out the underlying cause of your health issue. Working together, we will discover the root cause of WHY you are not well.

3. You don't like waiting to see the doctor. Your time spent in our waiting room is very little if at all. We realize your time is valuable and aim to be on time and give you the time you need to fully explain your health concerns and goals.

4. You have benefits. Most extended health care plans cover Naturopathic Medicine. Does yours? You can find out by giving your company a quick call.

5. You want to be drug-free. You don't want to take many medications that may or may not be causing other problems. Many people want to deal with their health concerns the natural way. A Naturopathic Doctor helps you sort through all the supplements and creates an individualized plan for you.

Call or email now for your complementary Meet-the-Doctor visit at The Healing Oasis with myself, Whitney Young, Naturopathic Doctor

705-722-1004 or