Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Balance" is it a myth or reality? Reiki, is that a myth or reality?

By Jessy Morrison, Body Talk Practitioner and Reiki Master

Can we segment our time into thirds?

1/3 for the kids, for my job, for me... Well maybe 1/3 for my spouse, or my hobby, and my parents, and my job...

Oops forgot about housework, paying the bills, but the garden needs doing, and what about visiting friends...or um catching up on facebook and maybe a little TV.... oh ya I forgot to sleep, oh am I supposed to eat more than a shake too?!

I think the "How to..." books are missing the mark, it's not about fitting more into time segments; rather it is about doing less (but not neglecting things) about being present in the moment as we are doing (experiencing), about breathing deeper and not about fretting about what still needs to be done, or what might happen, or did happen.

Worry is meditating on the negative.
Faith ends when worry begins.
Worry ends when faith begins.

What gave me balance in my life when my Type A personality was in overdrive? "Reiki", that fine tuning of meditative unconditional love. If I could learn to use and be Reiki, anyone can. It's about living through the experience of life, health, illness, trauma, and drama in Alpha Waves, not the Beta cortisol state of fear. Fear is a great mobilizer, gets you out of danger fast... but with computers, TV's electromagnetic stress, relationship stress, financial stress, toxins & media hype, it is easy for us to lose sight of peace. Reiki energy is Peace.

Is your life in PEACE or in PIECES?
Looking for an ancient healing method to integrate into your modern lifestyle, join me on July 9th for the first stage of living in healing balance. Like pieces of a jig saw puzzle we live our lives in bits, what helps us synthesize and integrate it in Peace? REIKI.

Come find out if its is a myth or reality. For me it is the only reality.

FOr those of you who have taken Stage 1, but never used your Reiki Talent join us for Reiki Level 2 (beyond time and space) to begin to integrate your God given gift daily, for yourself, your pets, and your family.

July 9th & August 13th

RSVP Jessy 705-241-8680

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