Monday, November 30, 2009

Relaxing Holidays

Ok, so the Christmas carols have been playing in the malls since Halloween and the decorations and trees have been around since a day after that so you should be used to the heightened energy around. But now it's December...the holiday season has "officially" arrived! (According to my calendar at least...)

So is it possible to stay relaxed this season? Absolutely! Here's how...

#1. Breathe. Taking a few deep breaths will help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest instead of fight or flight) and it can help decrease the levels of cortisol - a stress hormone - in your body.

#2. Get organized ahead of time. Figure out who and what you want to buy. Figure out what you want to bake and serve for entertaining and the ingredients you need.

#3. Make a list. Just like Santa he needs to know what gift goes to who - follow the example of this age old fella' and make your list too.

#4. Plan your outing. To save time and wasteful back and forth traveling plot your route and the stores you need to visit along the way. Bring your list of who you're buying for in each store. Bring your black cloth bags to the grocery store so you can grab your baking supplies on the way home.

#5. Don't be in a rush. Give yourself plenty of time. Put some nice holiday music on (Elvis's Christmas is my favourite) and enjoy the journey! :)

Enjoy the holiday season!
Lee Anne and The Healing Oasis team

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