Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter Earrings

Well, we knew it couldn't last long right!? Winter held off for as long as it could but Winter has arrived!! And with a bit of a vengeance for the last few weeks with some pretty low digits on the thermometer.

So, how are you sheilding yourself from Barrie's winter weather and is it affecting your health and body??

Some of my friends laugh at me because my warm mittens come out at the first sign of cold weather but I do not enjoy having cold fingers (and I'm sure those of you reading this who are my clients will agree you don't want them any colder! ;)) And it saves me from jamming them in my pockets with my shoulders shrugged up to my ears. Another necessary article I never leave home without is my scarf! I see many people wearing their shoulders as earrings because they're not wearing a scarf to keep their neck warm.

This posture, compounded with the cold air, leads to tight shoulder and neck muscles which can lead to headaches, stiff necks, jaw pain, and shoulder restrictions and pain.

Dress for the weather and avoid unneccesary body aches and pains. And if you already have these aching body parts you know who to call!! We promise our hands will be warmed up to help ease your discomfort and help you on your way!

Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne and The Healing Oasis Team :)

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