Tuesday, February 9, 2010

After-School or At-Work Treats!

These were a hit at my latest Go Venture meeting. (Go Venture is a business course for new businesses).

Pecan-Raisin Balls

2 cups pecan halves

1/4 cup rolled oats or millet flour

10 large pitted dates or 8 pitted prunes

2 tbsp tahini or macadamia nut butter

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup raisins

Finely grind pecans and oats (or millet flour) in a food processor. Place in a mixing bowl and set aside. Put dates, tahini, cinnamon, and vanilla into the processor and blend into a paste. Stir paste into pecan-oat mixture and blend well. Add raisins and blend well. Roll into 1" balls. Refridgerate and enjoy.
For more info about Go Venture visit www.donnadouglas.com

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