Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Optimizing your Massage Treatment

The benefits of a good Massage therapy treatment can last quite a long time if you optimize your regular appointment.

"What does that mean", you ask?

Give your body what it needs to hold on to the positive structural changes you gained during your massage...here's how:

  • soak in a hot epsom salts bath to draw out the metabolites that were released into the tissues
  • drink lots of water after to help re-hydrate your body
  • stretch your entire body, especially the areas that were concentrated on, to help those tissues stay healthy and flexible. (ask your therapist for specific stretches if needed)
  • Watch your posture for positions of tension - if your back is hunched and your face is almost touching your desk this is NOT good!
  • Book your next appointment before you leave so that you don't have to call in for an "emergency visit".
Epsom Salts Bath:

Pour 1 cup of epsom salts into a bath of tolerable hot water
Soak for 20 minutes and rinse off
For relaxation steam inhalation add a few drops of lavender essential oil

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