Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prostate Cancer Awareness Presentation

I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker for the Orillia Prostate Cancer Awareness Group on Wednesday March 24th.

There was a full house of 95 people eager to learn about how complementary medicines can help to prevent and treat prostate cancer.

3 Changes you can make NOW to your diet to prevent prostate cancer:
1. Eat ground flax seed

2. Drink 8 oz of pomegranate juice

3. Add some soy to your diet

We also discussed how a lower glycemic index diet can decrease your chances of developing cancer.
At The Healing Oasis we offer a number of treatments that help to promote wellness and treat those diagnosed with prostate cancer along with other cancers. Specifically:

- Nutritional & Supplement Counselling
- Reiki
- Lymphatic Drainage massage

Anna Nicol, our Reiki Master and Lymphatic Drainage practitioner came along to support me and offer her knowledge to the crowd. Here she is with her husband and one of our biggest fans, Ed Nicol.
Thank you to all who made the night a success,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Skating Pecan-Raisin Balls

I had a fantastic time at our 2nd Annual Skating Party last Friday. We shared some laughs, exercise and good healthy snacks afterwards.

Back by popular demand, here is the Pecan-Raisin Ball Recipe

There are additional health benefits from these balls, such as the cinnamon is a natural way to help stabilize blood sugar.

Some people worry about having too many nuts because of their fat and calorie content. Choosing raw nuts which aren't salted, roasted or seasoned is a healthier option. A recent study also found that consuming nuts in ones diet did not increase the weight people gained. So, choose raw healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts as a snack with a piece of fruit.

Enjoy these balls in moderation. I like to take 3 balls to work to snack on mid-afternoon with 1/2 an apple or as desert after my lunch.

Pecan-Raisin Balls

2 cups pecan halves

1/4 cup rolled oats or millet flour

10 large pitted dates or pitted prunes

2 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup raisins

Finely grind pecans and oats (or millet) in a food processor. Place in a mixing bowl and set aside. Put dates, tahini, cinnamon, and vanilla into the processor and blend into a paste. Stir paste into pecan-oat mixture and blend well. Add raisins and blend well. Roll into 1" balls and refridgerate.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Break Fun Skate

WOW!! What a fun time we had on Friday evening. Everyone at The Healing Oasis would like to thank our friends and family for coming out and sharing in some fun and light activity.

Not only did we have an amazing ice rink all to ourselves for an hour, we had an entire party room filled with kids and parents and friends...and SNACKS! All of which were a hit!! And we had SO many people ask us for our recipes we thought we'd share them with you to enjoy with your own friends and families. (Look for the recipes in our next blogs.)

We hope everyone had as much fun as we did and we look forward to seeing even more of you at our next client appreciation event....perhaps a summer BBQ!?

To view the entire photo album from our fun skate day simply find us on Facebook and become a fan.

With sincere thanks,

Lee Anne, Whitney, Jessy,
Anna, & Leslie
(The Healing Oasis Team)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Follow your instincts!

It's funny how some of us operate. I'll talk about myself because I know I'm pretty bad when it comes to doing the things that benefit me most....and yes, STRETCHING, is my least favourite thing to do. I know it's good for me and my muscles. And, yes, I know regular stretching will help decrease the chances of me getting aches and pains...but it's boring and slow and it takes time! :(

But...if I were to have observed Rigley (my little furry 12lb constant doggy companion and official "greeter" at The Healing Oasis) the other morning I would have noticed something...

Number 1. He LOVES sleep. I got up Sunday morning and made myself a coffee so I could read in bed for a bit and he had jumped up in my nice warm spot and grabbed a few more significant minutes of shut eye.... Sleep helps our bodies heal itself which is why it's important to get enough of it each night.

Number 2. When he finally decided to get out of bed, he jumped down, and just sat there for a few seconds taking in the day. Something that might actually be good for us to do; take a few deep breaths to welcome the day, take note of all our blessings, and be grateful for our good fortune... Seems like a nice way to start the morning off!?

And Number 3. He stretches! He lies flat on his belly and stretches both front and back legs out straight and just holds it there for a bit. And then he might tuck in his front legs and readjust the back legs for a better stretch. And then he sits up and stretches his neck way up and then he even does the downward dog with his bum up in the air and his front legs out in front of him!

So, yeah, this is extremely cute and amusing for me...but it's also something I (and everyone) should pay attention to; he's following his instinctual behaviour to keep himself limber and healthy. We, as humans, might want to follow in his "paw-prints" and give our bodies what they need. Proper nourishment, exercise, and stretching to help keep those muscles limber and avoid unnecessary aches and pains.

I have to say, I went for a walk that night and did stretch when I got home, and you know, I felt much better afterwards and I didn't have the leg pain or the low back pain I usually get after going for a walk. :)

For more information on proper stretching and form, please give us a call and we will be happy to spend a few minutes with you to show you how to stretch.

Yours in health,

Lee Anne & Rigley

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lemon Meringue Macaroons

Once a month the team at The Healing Oasis meet to brainstorm how we can make our centre even better and how we can provide better service for our clients. We also do a potluck and show off our healthy recipes. I brought the dessert this month and they were a hit!

These are gluten-free and you can substitute the white sugar for a natural sugar. Use a fresh lemon for a very light and refreshing flavour.

2 egg whites

1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice

2/3 cup sugar (or 1/2 cup of local honey or pure maple syrup)

1 and 1/3 cups of unsweetened coconut shavings/flakes

1 tsp finely shredded lemon peel

1. Lightly grease a cookie sheet

2. In a medium mixing bowl beat egg whites and lemon juice with an electric mixer on high speed til soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar bit by bit, beating till stiff peaks form. Fold in coconut and lemon peel.

3. Drop mixture by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart on the prepared cookie sheet. Bake in 325o oven about 20 minutes or till edges are lightly browned.

4. Transfer cookies to a wire rack and let cool.

Makes about 30 cookies.