Friday, March 5, 2010

Lemon Meringue Macaroons

Once a month the team at The Healing Oasis meet to brainstorm how we can make our centre even better and how we can provide better service for our clients. We also do a potluck and show off our healthy recipes. I brought the dessert this month and they were a hit!

These are gluten-free and you can substitute the white sugar for a natural sugar. Use a fresh lemon for a very light and refreshing flavour.

2 egg whites

1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice

2/3 cup sugar (or 1/2 cup of local honey or pure maple syrup)

1 and 1/3 cups of unsweetened coconut shavings/flakes

1 tsp finely shredded lemon peel

1. Lightly grease a cookie sheet

2. In a medium mixing bowl beat egg whites and lemon juice with an electric mixer on high speed til soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar bit by bit, beating till stiff peaks form. Fold in coconut and lemon peel.

3. Drop mixture by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart on the prepared cookie sheet. Bake in 325o oven about 20 minutes or till edges are lightly browned.

4. Transfer cookies to a wire rack and let cool.

Makes about 30 cookies.

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