Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Skating Pecan-Raisin Balls

I had a fantastic time at our 2nd Annual Skating Party last Friday. We shared some laughs, exercise and good healthy snacks afterwards.

Back by popular demand, here is the Pecan-Raisin Ball Recipe

There are additional health benefits from these balls, such as the cinnamon is a natural way to help stabilize blood sugar.

Some people worry about having too many nuts because of their fat and calorie content. Choosing raw nuts which aren't salted, roasted or seasoned is a healthier option. A recent study also found that consuming nuts in ones diet did not increase the weight people gained. So, choose raw healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts as a snack with a piece of fruit.

Enjoy these balls in moderation. I like to take 3 balls to work to snack on mid-afternoon with 1/2 an apple or as desert after my lunch.

Pecan-Raisin Balls

2 cups pecan halves

1/4 cup rolled oats or millet flour

10 large pitted dates or pitted prunes

2 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup raisins

Finely grind pecans and oats (or millet) in a food processor. Place in a mixing bowl and set aside. Put dates, tahini, cinnamon, and vanilla into the processor and blend into a paste. Stir paste into pecan-oat mixture and blend well. Add raisins and blend well. Roll into 1" balls and refridgerate.

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