Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dominica - The Nature Island and Tree Candy

I just returned from a trip to the island of Dominica where my sister is attending medical school. It's a small island near St. Lucia with a very tropical feel. Stephanie, my sister has been there for almost two years. The thing she will miss the most is the ability to find your own food growing naturally all year round on trees in her backyard.

Here we have some avocados that are still growing. They are a different species than what we find in the grocery stores. She says they will grow to become half the size of her head and they have a more buttery and creamy flavour.

Avocados are a great source of good fats. These are great for children, people needing to gain extra weight, and athletes. For the typical person who doesn't want to gain weight, try to stick to about 1/2 an avocado a day.

Avocado ideas:

- Guacomole

- Sliced on a sandwich

- Cubed and put on top of a sandwich

- Blended with chickpeas and spices for a unique Hummus

- Avocado pie, a "raw food" recipe with almonds, avocados and cocoa powder
Although our avocados aren't the size of our heads, they are still a tastey way to get great nutrients in our diet.
Happy eating:) Whitney Young, ND

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