Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cauliflower and Green Cabbage Salad

(It's better than it might sound!)

I love going to the Saturday farmer's market here in Barrie. I know a few of the vendors now and I love when Ontario fresh produces starts to pop up. This week I picked up a green cabbage. I also had some cauliflower at home. So, I wanted to find a gluten and dairy free recipe that included both.

Google is your best friend.

I googled cauliflower and green cabbage salad and the first site was the perfect salad to try. It came from I tweaked the recipe a bit and here's what I came up with. Even Steve, my boyfriend, loved it. He has a limited vegetable repetoire so this is impressive!

1 cup cauliflower, broken up into small flowerets

1/6 of a green cabbage, thinly sliced

1/2 cup of brown lentils (boiled or rinsed from a can)

1 clove garlic

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 tsp of honey or pure maple syrup

dash of cumin

Dressing: in a small food processor mix garlic, olive oil, vinegar, maple syrup and cumin. Pour over cauliflower, cabbage and lentils. Season with pepper and sea salt to taste. Mix well and serve immediately.

To have later, store the dressing in a small glass jar to add just before eating.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link. Glad you liked it. Nice pic! I'll try it next time with apple cider. That sounds good. Besides, that offers more nutrition than rice vinegar.
