Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 6 - Cleanse with Your Friends

Tea at a bar??

Yes, that's correct. I drank green tea at the bar portion of the Urban Dish this evening. I met up with some fellow young professionals ( and since it's a restaurant I ordered a tea and stood my ground. Better to order tea then stand around and drink free water. I watched the delicious food pass by me, smelled the aromas and admired the beautiful presentation. Perhaps I will head there for lunch.....after the cleanse ;)

Brown Rice Cereal Breakfast:
Here is my breakfast from a few days ago. It's a brown rice porridge type breakfast. It is really quick to make. Boil 3 parts water, add 1 part of the cereal and turn to low. It cooks in about 4-7 minutes after that. I've added some grapes, sliced almonds and a sprinkle of stevia. I also poured a bit of unsweeted almond milk over top too. You can find brown rice cereals at your local health food stores or health food section of bigger grocery stores.
Snack time turned pasta sauce:
I made a black bean dip the other day.
1 can black beans rinsed well
juice from 1/2 to 1 full lemon
2 garlic cloves
Blend well then add chopped fresh cilantro
This is a great dip you can dip veggie sticks in and also brown rice crackers.
I then used the left-over dip and added it along with some hot water and a bit of olive oil to my rice pasta and steamed veggies. Mixed it well and I liked it. Give it a try and let me know.
The last thing about Cleansing is supporting your body with bodywork. Try out some lymphatic massage, aromatherapy massage or massage in general. The Healing Oasis offers all of these services.
Call us for tips on Cleansing and our Cleanse Program 705-722-1004
Happy Cleansing!!

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