Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Upcoming Reiki Classes in Barrie

Learn to Channel Energy for Yourself and Others

Our Reiki Master, Anna Nicol presents classes at The Healing Oasis in Barrie.

Anna is a Scottish born nurse, registered reflexologist and reiki master. Please phone for more information or to register for the classes.


Level 1 & 2

Sept 4th & 5th or Sept 13th & 14th

Master Level (3)

Oct. 9th & 10th

All classes will be held at The Healing Oasis, 25 Berczy Street Barrie.

Please call 705-735-0959 for more information.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to School Lunch Dilemma

Yes, I saw the first back-to-school commercial on TV as soon as August hit. The summer is going way too fast but let's squeeze as many more memories out of this one as possible.

However, we can't deny that school is upon us. I got a recent email newsletter from EWG - the Environmental Working Group - which I subscribe to. http://www.ewg.org/

Many Moms and Dads are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact on our health and their children's health. What can parents do to lessen the environmental toxic burden on their kids? Here are a few tips I found in that newsletter:


These hold food, so it is especially important that lunch boxes contain fewer toxic materials. Look for boxes with NO lead paint, PVC, BPA and antimicrobial chemicals. Some options are

- Cotton lunch bags

- BPA-free plastic

- Unpainted stainless steel boxes

Try reusing utensils from home and pack food in reusable, rather than disposable, containers.

- lightweight stainless steel

- #1, 2, 4, or 5 plastics

Buy a safer lunch box on Amazon and you will donate money to EWG by going to http://www.ewg.org/ website and click through to Amazon.
For more tips on lunch ideas read our past posts as well as check The Healing Oasis out on facebook.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Green Tip - Coconut oil...and then some!!

I have been experimenting off and on with consuming more of a raw diet for the last few months now. I will admit some weeks are more raw than others, but even just getting more fruits and veggies into my diet has made me feel much better.

One of the main oils used in the raw culture is Coconut oil because it is not processed and completely natural. In one of the books I found the author noted that she uses coconut oil, not only as a moisturizing natural alternative to shaving cream or gel, but also that she uses it as an eye makeup remover!! So of course, I had to try it...and yes it works, extremely well actually. It's also used as a good carrier oil for massage. So instead of buying a bottle of shaving cream and a tube of makeup remover - you can save all that packaging and just buy a large tub of coconut oil and use it for many different purposes. A nice environmentally friendly natural resource!

I shared my new found information with a girlfriend a few weeks ago and she just sent me a really great article on coconut oil and some health benefits of using it...including help with weight loss, immunity, and skin irritations. I thought I would share the link for the article as well...it makes for some very interesting reading and potentially a few more naturally healthy people!


Happy reading!
Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne
The Healing Oasis Team

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Balance" is it a myth or reality? Reiki, is that a myth or reality?

By Jessy Morrison, Body Talk Practitioner and Reiki Master

Can we segment our time into thirds?

1/3 for the kids, for my job, for me... Well maybe 1/3 for my spouse, or my hobby, and my parents, and my job...

Oops forgot about housework, paying the bills, but the garden needs doing, and what about visiting friends...or um catching up on facebook and maybe a little TV.... oh ya I forgot to sleep, oh am I supposed to eat more than a shake too?!

I think the "How to..." books are missing the mark, it's not about fitting more into time segments; rather it is about doing less (but not neglecting things) about being present in the moment as we are doing (experiencing), about breathing deeper and not about fretting about what still needs to be done, or what might happen, or did happen.

Worry is meditating on the negative.
Faith ends when worry begins.
Worry ends when faith begins.

What gave me balance in my life when my Type A personality was in overdrive? "Reiki", that fine tuning of meditative unconditional love. If I could learn to use and be Reiki, anyone can. It's about living through the experience of life, health, illness, trauma, and drama in Alpha Waves, not the Beta cortisol state of fear. Fear is a great mobilizer, gets you out of danger fast... but with computers, TV's electromagnetic stress, relationship stress, financial stress, toxins & media hype, it is easy for us to lose sight of peace. Reiki energy is Peace.

Is your life in PEACE or in PIECES?
Looking for an ancient healing method to integrate into your modern lifestyle, join me on July 9th for the first stage of living in healing balance. Like pieces of a jig saw puzzle we live our lives in bits, what helps us synthesize and integrate it in Peace? REIKI.

Come find out if its is a myth or reality. For me it is the only reality.

FOr those of you who have taken Stage 1, but never used your Reiki Talent join us for Reiki Level 2 (beyond time and space) to begin to integrate your God given gift daily, for yourself, your pets, and your family.

July 9th & August 13th

RSVP Jessy 705-241-8680

Saturday, June 26, 2010

C-Section Babies and Probiotics

Babies are born by cesarean section (c-section) for a variety of reasons such as a long labour at risk of infection and if the mother or the baby's health is at risk.

When a baby is born naturally and vaginally through the birth canal head first, it takes up the bacteria from the canal. The baby swallows this bacteria and it is deposited throughout its digestive tract. As gross as this might sound to you, this is an extremely important process for developing the baby's digestive tract and immune system.

Delivery by c-section is associated with a moderate risk increase of allergic rhinitis, asthma, hospitalization for asthma, and perhaps food allergies as found in a meta-analysis study by Bager et al in 2008 in the journal of Clinical and Experimental Allergy.

If your baby is delivered by c-section, there is still something you can do about it to help prevent these kinds of conditions from developing. Providing a high quality infant probiotic for a year can help to give your baby some of the good bacteria it needs for its digestive tract and immune system.

It is best to consult your naturopathic doctor or health care provider about this for a particular product that is best for your situation.
By Dr. Whitney Young, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine at The Healing Oasis

Friday, June 4, 2010

Top 5 Reasons to See A Naturopathic Doctor in Barrie

1. You STILL don't feel well. All your tests are "normal" and your current health provider has taken you as far as he or she can. You are still not feeling well. A Naturopathic Doctor will help bring your body back into balance.

2. We work in partnership with you. You are the expert in you and how you feel. I am the expert in the detective work to figure out the underlying cause of your health issue. Working together, we will discover the root cause of WHY you are not well.

3. You don't like waiting to see the doctor. Your time spent in our waiting room is very little if at all. We realize your time is valuable and aim to be on time and give you the time you need to fully explain your health concerns and goals.

4. You have benefits. Most extended health care plans cover Naturopathic Medicine. Does yours? You can find out by giving your company a quick call.

5. You want to be drug-free. You don't want to take many medications that may or may not be causing other problems. Many people want to deal with their health concerns the natural way. A Naturopathic Doctor helps you sort through all the supplements and creates an individualized plan for you.

Call or email now for your complementary Meet-the-Doctor visit at The Healing Oasis with myself, Whitney Young, Naturopathic Doctor

705-722-1004 or info@whitneyyoung.ca

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Going Raw: Zucchini and Asparagus with Sundried Tomato Sauce

The Raw food movement is hitting Barrie with a local Raw meet-up group and a few of The Healing Oasis members starting to incorporate more raw food recipes into our diets.

Tonight, I used a Raw Food Blog I found and created my own meal based on bits and pieces of other recipes. I cheated a little by steaming my asparagus to soften them a little. If you would like to be more Raw then use the raw asparagus and let the dish marinate longer.

1 large zucchini, sliced in skinny strips using a potatoe peeler
1/2 a red pepper, sliced thinly
8 asparagus stalks, broken into 1 inch pieces
5 sundried tomato slices, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes

Blend the following in a food processor
The soaked sundried tomatoes
1 tsp of apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp of chopped fresh rosemary
Add more water as needed

Toss veggies with some olive oil and sea salt then the sauce.

Eat right away or let marinate till later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

These are my rendition of the "Larabars" you can buy at the health food stores. They are delicious and packed full of healthy ingredients...and not as many as you would think! I used as many "RAW" ingredients as I could, including the nuts. You can have fun with these and experiment with adding different ingredients like coconut, dried cranberries or raisins, cocoa powder, and you can even add more protein with some hemp or soy-based protein powder. Enjoy!

Peanut-Coconut balls
- small handful of peanuts
- small handful of almods
- about 20 dates
- scoop of unsweetened coconut
- small drizzle of agave nectar or honey
(you might want to try adding some cocao powder to this one - I didn't have any unfortunately.)

In a food processor, add nuts and dates and process until bits are small. Add agave nectar and/or honey and drizzle over the mixture. You will have to experiment with the texture and add more agave nectar or honey so that the consistency will allow you to form the balls. Scoop out spoonfulls and with clean hands squeeze them into balls and I would put them in the fridge for a bit to let them set. You could also make a larger batch and press the mixture into a baking dish and then cut it into squares.

Cashew Balls
- about 16 - 20 dates
- large handful of raw cashews

Follow procedure above and enjoy!

4 Weeks to Wellness

All I can say is WOW! What an amazingly beautiful day it was yesterday. The sun was shining brightly all day and the city was just basking in it's glory! We started our "trek" at The Healing Oasis and like usual walked along Kempenfelt Drive and then back along the old railway tracks.

It's such a beautiful opportunity for us to be able to walk out our driveways and immerse ourselves in fresh air, a clean atmosphere, and such wonderful surroundings - we are really quite lucky to live in such a great city. Clearly, I don't get out enough and enjoy it because every time I do it always amazes me this way.

And that's the reason for our 4 Weeks to Wellness. It's to help people like me who are so caught up in the every day hussle and bustle of "life" that a Sunday morning walk is the only time I can enjoy some peace and a little bit of nature. If you'd like to join me next Sunday I'll be there waiting. :)

I also brought some healthy snacks which I will share the recipe
with you on our facebook page along with some more pictures. See you next time! :)

Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne
and THO Team

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Green Tip - Natural Moth "Balls"

To prevent moths and other bugs from invading your closet, use dried lemon peel as a natural deterrent. I'm sure they're a lot safer to have around for the pets you do want in the house and it smells much better than those little white balls that always remind me of my Grandma's house!!

With much love for you and our planet,

Lee Anne & THO team

Monday, May 10, 2010

4 Weeks to Wellness

It's that time again when we get the urge to get outside and be more active and maybe try to lose a little bit of that extra winter weight.

At The Healing Oasis we have had such huge success and participation with the 4 Weeks to Wellness that we thought we'd keep up the trend and start it again this coming Sunday May 16th.

Anyone can join us for the approximate 4-5 K walk along Barrie's Kempenfelt drive and then back along the bike path.
We will meet at The Healing Oasis every Sunday morning at 10am sharp for the next 4 weeks (rain or shine or frost!!) and leave from there. We will have some healthy and tasty snacks to enjoy afterwards and we're always sharing the recipes so make sure to check the blog regularly.

Bring your friends and family or someone you know who needs a little support in getting more active and we can all help each other. See you on Sunday!

Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne and THO Team :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dominica - The Nature Island and Tree Candy

I just returned from a trip to the island of Dominica where my sister is attending medical school. It's a small island near St. Lucia with a very tropical feel. Stephanie, my sister has been there for almost two years. The thing she will miss the most is the ability to find your own food growing naturally all year round on trees in her backyard.

Here we have some avocados that are still growing. They are a different species than what we find in the grocery stores. She says they will grow to become half the size of her head and they have a more buttery and creamy flavour.

Avocados are a great source of good fats. These are great for children, people needing to gain extra weight, and athletes. For the typical person who doesn't want to gain weight, try to stick to about 1/2 an avocado a day.

Avocado ideas:

- Guacomole

- Sliced on a sandwich

- Cubed and put on top of a sandwich

- Blended with chickpeas and spices for a unique Hummus

- Avocado pie, a "raw food" recipe with almonds, avocados and cocoa powder
Although our avocados aren't the size of our heads, they are still a tastey way to get great nutrients in our diet.
Happy eating:) Whitney Young, ND

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cleanse with Your Friends - Day 12

Onion Spread

I'm meeting with the group of women shortly for our 3rd night of Cleanse with Your Friends. We've been cleansing around 12 days so far. I hope everyone is still doing well!

Here is a recipe for a dip I've made to bring to class tonight. It's from a book that is no longer in print called "CCNM's Simply Healthy Cookbook." This book was put together by students and staff from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2002. It's a great resource at home for me and I'm sorry that it's no longer in print. I will share some recipes from time to time to share the wisdom of my peers.

Cold Onion Spread

4 large onions, diced
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 bay leaf
1 tsp dill weed

- In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add onion, cook and stir for 1 minute.
- Add enough water to cover the onions
- Add the bay leaf, dill weed and salt according to taste
- Cover the pan and cook at medium-low for 35 minutes, or until onions are cooked.
- When onion is tender, uncover and increase temperature to medium-high. Allow onions to cook until they turn a golden-brown (mine didn't turn colour but I cooked it until a lot of the water evaporated
- Remove bay leaf
- At this point I decided to blend it with my hand blender.

Eat hot as a side dist or cold as a spread on rice crackers or cucumbers and carrots.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Going Green tip #3

Ditch your ride. Start walking or cycling or carpooling.

This is perfect for the beautiful Spring weather we've been experiencing lately. I know it might not be possible for everyone to do it everyday but leaving the car at home for even 1 day a week will help make a difference...not only for the environment but for your health as well! We all know regular exercise is key to help maintain a healthy body weight and healthy cardiovascular system. Not to mention the improvement in your mood once those "feel good" endorphins start being produced.

Happy "greening" whichever way you choose!

Yours in health,
The Healing Oasis team :)

Going Green tip #2

For a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to cleaning your teeth, skip your regular toothpaste and avoid the packaging waste. Instead try making your own.
Here's a recipe I found on http://www.howstuffworks.com/

Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part salt. Add 3 teaspoons of glycerin. Add 10 to 20 drops of flavoring (peppermint, wintergreen, anise, or cinnamon) and enough water to make a paste. Spoon into a small, refillable squeeze bottle.

Going Green...

It's something everyone can do to help make a difference for our environment. Every little bit counts - even if it's a simple task like picking up a piece of trash on your walk.

In January I went to do my annual daily planner shopping and bought a recycled one that has little tips on how to make a "green" difference each week. I thought I would share them with you each week to possibly make a much larger impact in our community.

So enjoy the tips each week and if it inspires you to incorporate one or two into your life then we know we've made a difference together!

Yours in health (and the health of our environment),
Lee Anne
& The Healing Oasis Team

Tip #1 - Get your programmable thermostat now, if you haven't already. Programmable thermostats can save up to 1800 pounds of CO2 emissions every year.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 6 - Cleanse with Your Friends

Tea at a bar??

Yes, that's correct. I drank green tea at the bar portion of the Urban Dish this evening. I met up with some fellow young professionals (http://www.scypa.ca/) and since it's a restaurant I ordered a tea and stood my ground. Better to order tea then stand around and drink free water. I watched the delicious food pass by me, smelled the aromas and admired the beautiful presentation. Perhaps I will head there for lunch.....after the cleanse ;)

Brown Rice Cereal Breakfast:
Here is my breakfast from a few days ago. It's a brown rice porridge type breakfast. It is really quick to make. Boil 3 parts water, add 1 part of the cereal and turn to low. It cooks in about 4-7 minutes after that. I've added some grapes, sliced almonds and a sprinkle of stevia. I also poured a bit of unsweeted almond milk over top too. You can find brown rice cereals at your local health food stores or health food section of bigger grocery stores.
Snack time turned pasta sauce:
I made a black bean dip the other day.
1 can black beans rinsed well
juice from 1/2 to 1 full lemon
2 garlic cloves
Blend well then add chopped fresh cilantro
This is a great dip you can dip veggie sticks in and also brown rice crackers.
I then used the left-over dip and added it along with some hot water and a bit of olive oil to my rice pasta and steamed veggies. Mixed it well and I liked it. Give it a try and let me know.
The last thing about Cleansing is supporting your body with bodywork. Try out some lymphatic massage, aromatherapy massage or massage in general. The Healing Oasis offers all of these services.
Call us for tips on Cleansing and our Cleanse Program 705-722-1004
Happy Cleansing!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 3 - Cleanse with Your Friends

Days 1 and 2 went fairly well. My first challenge was going over to my friend, Nicole's house to watch a movie. Movies usually mean popcorn and this is a huge thing for me not to have popcorn. It's my one true love...besides Steve and Daisy.

So, I brought my own homemade guacomole and some brown rice cakes for a snack. We had tea (no wine) and she was very supportive:)

Last night I made a huge pot of Red Lentil Soup, which will be part of my lunches this week. I got the recipe from a fabulous whole foods book titled "Nourishing Traditions" By Sally Fallon. I will share a modified version of her Roman Lentil Soup. I used the chicken stock I made in my crockpot a few days ago with the bones from a whole chicken.
3 medium onions, peeled and sliced
3 carrots, peeled and sliced
3 tbsp of olive oil
8 cups of chicken stock or combination of stock and water
2 cups red lentils
1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried green peppercorns
1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
In a large stainless steell pot, cook onions and carrots in oil until tender (about 20-30 min). Add stock and lentils and bring to a boil. Skim off foam produced by the lentils. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
Puree the soup with a handheld blender
Add lemon juice and enjoy!
Stay tuned for the continued saga of the cleanse and more recipes:)
Whitney Young, ND

Friday, April 9, 2010

Cleanse with Your Friends begins!

I have begun instructing a great group of women with The City of Barrie program - Cleanse with Your Friends.
We are all starting our cleanse within the next few days. I'm gearing up to start tomorrow and came up with a new snack:)

Black bean avocado dip
- 1 can black beans, rinsed well
- 1 avocado
- 2 cloves of garlic
- juice of half a lemon

Blend all ingredients in a food processor. The colour is kind of greyish afterwards but it tastes great! Eat with carrot and celery sticks, cucumber and some brown rice crackers. Mmmm!

Day 1 for me starts tomorrow!!

- Whitney Young, ND

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cauliflower and Green Cabbage Salad

(It's better than it might sound!)

I love going to the Saturday farmer's market here in Barrie. I know a few of the vendors now and I love when Ontario fresh produces starts to pop up. This week I picked up a green cabbage. I also had some cauliflower at home. So, I wanted to find a gluten and dairy free recipe that included both.

Google is your best friend.

I googled cauliflower and green cabbage salad and the first site was the perfect salad to try. It came from http://www.glutenfreegreenmommy.com/ I tweaked the recipe a bit and here's what I came up with. Even Steve, my boyfriend, loved it. He has a limited vegetable repetoire so this is impressive!

1 cup cauliflower, broken up into small flowerets

1/6 of a green cabbage, thinly sliced

1/2 cup of brown lentils (boiled or rinsed from a can)

1 clove garlic

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1/2 tsp of honey or pure maple syrup

dash of cumin

Dressing: in a small food processor mix garlic, olive oil, vinegar, maple syrup and cumin. Pour over cauliflower, cabbage and lentils. Season with pepper and sea salt to taste. Mix well and serve immediately.

To have later, store the dressing in a small glass jar to add just before eating.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prostate Cancer Awareness Presentation

I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker for the Orillia Prostate Cancer Awareness Group on Wednesday March 24th.

There was a full house of 95 people eager to learn about how complementary medicines can help to prevent and treat prostate cancer.

3 Changes you can make NOW to your diet to prevent prostate cancer:
1. Eat ground flax seed

2. Drink 8 oz of pomegranate juice

3. Add some soy to your diet

We also discussed how a lower glycemic index diet can decrease your chances of developing cancer.
At The Healing Oasis we offer a number of treatments that help to promote wellness and treat those diagnosed with prostate cancer along with other cancers. Specifically:

- Nutritional & Supplement Counselling
- Reiki
- Lymphatic Drainage massage

Anna Nicol, our Reiki Master and Lymphatic Drainage practitioner came along to support me and offer her knowledge to the crowd. Here she is with her husband and one of our biggest fans, Ed Nicol.
Thank you to all who made the night a success,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Skating Pecan-Raisin Balls

I had a fantastic time at our 2nd Annual Skating Party last Friday. We shared some laughs, exercise and good healthy snacks afterwards.

Back by popular demand, here is the Pecan-Raisin Ball Recipe

There are additional health benefits from these balls, such as the cinnamon is a natural way to help stabilize blood sugar.

Some people worry about having too many nuts because of their fat and calorie content. Choosing raw nuts which aren't salted, roasted or seasoned is a healthier option. A recent study also found that consuming nuts in ones diet did not increase the weight people gained. So, choose raw healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts as a snack with a piece of fruit.

Enjoy these balls in moderation. I like to take 3 balls to work to snack on mid-afternoon with 1/2 an apple or as desert after my lunch.

Pecan-Raisin Balls

2 cups pecan halves

1/4 cup rolled oats or millet flour

10 large pitted dates or pitted prunes

2 tbsp tahini

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup raisins

Finely grind pecans and oats (or millet) in a food processor. Place in a mixing bowl and set aside. Put dates, tahini, cinnamon, and vanilla into the processor and blend into a paste. Stir paste into pecan-oat mixture and blend well. Add raisins and blend well. Roll into 1" balls and refridgerate.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Break Fun Skate

WOW!! What a fun time we had on Friday evening. Everyone at The Healing Oasis would like to thank our friends and family for coming out and sharing in some fun and light activity.

Not only did we have an amazing ice rink all to ourselves for an hour, we had an entire party room filled with kids and parents and friends...and SNACKS! All of which were a hit!! And we had SO many people ask us for our recipes we thought we'd share them with you to enjoy with your own friends and families. (Look for the recipes in our next blogs.)

We hope everyone had as much fun as we did and we look forward to seeing even more of you at our next client appreciation event....perhaps a summer BBQ!?

To view the entire photo album from our fun skate day simply find us on Facebook and become a fan.

With sincere thanks,

Lee Anne, Whitney, Jessy,
Anna, & Leslie
(The Healing Oasis Team)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Follow your instincts!

It's funny how some of us operate. I'll talk about myself because I know I'm pretty bad when it comes to doing the things that benefit me most....and yes, STRETCHING, is my least favourite thing to do. I know it's good for me and my muscles. And, yes, I know regular stretching will help decrease the chances of me getting aches and pains...but it's boring and slow and it takes time! :(

But...if I were to have observed Rigley (my little furry 12lb constant doggy companion and official "greeter" at The Healing Oasis) the other morning I would have noticed something...

Number 1. He LOVES sleep. I got up Sunday morning and made myself a coffee so I could read in bed for a bit and he had jumped up in my nice warm spot and grabbed a few more significant minutes of shut eye.... Sleep helps our bodies heal itself which is why it's important to get enough of it each night.

Number 2. When he finally decided to get out of bed, he jumped down, and just sat there for a few seconds taking in the day. Something that might actually be good for us to do; take a few deep breaths to welcome the day, take note of all our blessings, and be grateful for our good fortune... Seems like a nice way to start the morning off!?

And Number 3. He stretches! He lies flat on his belly and stretches both front and back legs out straight and just holds it there for a bit. And then he might tuck in his front legs and readjust the back legs for a better stretch. And then he sits up and stretches his neck way up and then he even does the downward dog with his bum up in the air and his front legs out in front of him!

So, yeah, this is extremely cute and amusing for me...but it's also something I (and everyone) should pay attention to; he's following his instinctual behaviour to keep himself limber and healthy. We, as humans, might want to follow in his "paw-prints" and give our bodies what they need. Proper nourishment, exercise, and stretching to help keep those muscles limber and avoid unnecessary aches and pains.

I have to say, I went for a walk that night and did stretch when I got home, and you know, I felt much better afterwards and I didn't have the leg pain or the low back pain I usually get after going for a walk. :)

For more information on proper stretching and form, please give us a call and we will be happy to spend a few minutes with you to show you how to stretch.

Yours in health,

Lee Anne & Rigley

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lemon Meringue Macaroons

Once a month the team at The Healing Oasis meet to brainstorm how we can make our centre even better and how we can provide better service for our clients. We also do a potluck and show off our healthy recipes. I brought the dessert this month and they were a hit!

These are gluten-free and you can substitute the white sugar for a natural sugar. Use a fresh lemon for a very light and refreshing flavour.

2 egg whites

1 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice

2/3 cup sugar (or 1/2 cup of local honey or pure maple syrup)

1 and 1/3 cups of unsweetened coconut shavings/flakes

1 tsp finely shredded lemon peel

1. Lightly grease a cookie sheet

2. In a medium mixing bowl beat egg whites and lemon juice with an electric mixer on high speed til soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar bit by bit, beating till stiff peaks form. Fold in coconut and lemon peel.

3. Drop mixture by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart on the prepared cookie sheet. Bake in 325o oven about 20 minutes or till edges are lightly browned.

4. Transfer cookies to a wire rack and let cool.

Makes about 30 cookies.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Food Sensitivities

Many of my patients learn through our work together that they are sensitive to gluten products which is found in wheat, spelt, rye, barley and more. At first this can seem like a scary discovery. They ask "what will I eat?!"

There is an increased awareness of the link between food and health conditions. It's because of this awareness that many more gluten-free products are popping up in our grocery stores and health food stores.

I recently read a book called "Where Do I Start? Your essential gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free Allergy Cookbook" by Victoria Yeh. This book is a great resource to have when trying to live and cook without these offending foods. http://www.glutenfreeliving.ca/

If you think you may have food sensitivities causing health issues there are a number of ways to determine which foods are the problem. A visit with a Naturopathic Doctor can help you get to the root cause of potential food sensitivities.
Morning Rice Pudding by Angela Hanlon, ND
I had the pleasure of having my friend and colleague, Angela, visit last weekend. She cooked up a great gluten-free breakfast for us.
white basmati rice
1 can coconut milk
1-2 mashed bananas
1 apple chopped
1 tsp cinnamon
Cook the rice with all these ingredients together. Add water to make sure the rice to liquid ratio is 1:2.
You can make a large batch of this and heat up each portion as necessary for a few mornings.

Friday, February 19, 2010


March Break Begins Friday March 12th at 5:30pm....

Join us at the Allandale Rec Center for an hour of
FREE fun and exercise at THE HEALING OASIS
2nd Annual Client Appreciation SKATE DAY!

Bring your skates, kids, family and friends, your youthfulness and smiles as we thank you for letting us help you with your health care.

Friday March 12 - 5:30 - 6:30pm
Hot Chocolate and snacks

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Munchies for Munchkins

Tonight I will be instructing the Meals and Nutrition for Munchkins with The City of Barrie. I've had a lot of fun preparing for this seminar while looking at cookbooks, which are my favourite type of book. I love trying new recipes and this gave me a great opportunity to check out new books and recipes to share with the parents attending.
Here I have made the "Hale and Hearty Fruit Dip" from The Kid-Friendly Food Allergy Cookbook by Leslie Hammond and Lyne Marie Rominger. F.Y.I. This book is available at the Barrie Public Library.

For the smiley snack:
I used a plain rice cake for the face, spread the fruit dip on the face, orange slice for the mouth, dried cranberry for the nose and 2 whole, natural almonds for the eyes. The hair is unsweetened coconut flakes. Steve, my guinea pig, loved it!

For those of you who missed the class, stay tuned for more of my informative sessions with The City of Barrie.
Fruit Dip:
1 cup cottage cheese (or yogurt)
1 tbsp honey (optional, local honey is the best)
1/2 firm banana
1/3 cup fresh or frozen berries (I used raspberries)
Squeezed juice from 1/2 fresh orange
1. Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
2. Refridgerate for 30 minutes and serve with fruit or rice cakes and crackers.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

After-School or At-Work Treats!

These were a hit at my latest Go Venture meeting. (Go Venture is a business course for new businesses).

Pecan-Raisin Balls

2 cups pecan halves

1/4 cup rolled oats or millet flour

10 large pitted dates or 8 pitted prunes

2 tbsp tahini or macadamia nut butter

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup raisins

Finely grind pecans and oats (or millet flour) in a food processor. Place in a mixing bowl and set aside. Put dates, tahini, cinnamon, and vanilla into the processor and blend into a paste. Stir paste into pecan-oat mixture and blend well. Add raisins and blend well. Roll into 1" balls. Refridgerate and enjoy.
For more info about Go Venture visit www.donnadouglas.com

Monday, February 8, 2010

How can we HELP YOU??

With the many different health services available to us now it's quite a difficult task of finding which one is the right fit for you...

We are pleased to announce that all of our practitioners now offer Complimentary 15 minute consults to help you in the decision making process.

If you're thinking of trying reiki or reflexology but not sure which one would be better suited to your symptomology - just call us to book your consult - we can even do a phone consult!

Are you wondering how a Naturopathic Doctor can help you? Just give us a call...

Knowledge and education is power... we aim to empower our clients to help them have an active role in their health and wellness care.

Yours in health,
The Healing Oasis Team

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine's gift certificates...

Give her a special gift...without getting into trouble!

We have created a choco-holic's delight and it wont "go to her hips!"

This Valentine's Day treat your special lady to an hour of pure relaxation and satisfy her craving with a delectable chocolate massage.

We will use a chocolate cantaloupe massage oil, choco-mint foot lotion, and chocolate truffle hand lotion. Of course, we will send her home with an edible treat as well. We can also customize your gift if you'd like to add something yourself.

Call us now to reserve your gift certificate and make arrangements!

(And ladies you can buy this for yourself too!!)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Almond Coconut Macaroons - Gluten & Dairy Free Baking can taste good!

Yes, it's true, gluten & dairy free cooking is tastey! Just take the word of my 4 year old friend, Nigel. He looked sceptical at first looking at these cookies. After one bite, his face suddenly brightened and he quickly ate the rest.

Gluten/Dairy free recipes don't have to be hard to find. I found this recipe in my Recipe of The Week: Cookies cookbook by Sally Sampson. You can adapt it slightly to make it even more healthy if you'd like. Many people discover through Naturopathic Medicine that they have sensitivities to common foods like these. After they begin to feel so good when cutting these foods out many don't return to eating the "bad" foods again.

3/4 cup white sugar (substitute with local honey or try a small amount of Stevia)
3 cups natural almonds, lightly toasted and cooled
1 1/2 cups unsweetened dried coconut flakes
4 large egg whites
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt

Toasting the almonds:
1. Preheat oven to 350F. Place nuts on a baking sheet or in a shallow pan, transfer to the oven and bake until lightly coloured and fragrant, about 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.

1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or tin foil.

2. Place sugar, almonds, and coconut in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade and process until the mixture looks like fine sand. Transfer to a large bowl, add the egg whites, vanilla, and salt and mix, using a wooden spoon, until everything is well incorporated.

3. Place heaping teaspoonfuls of the dough 2 inches apart on the prepared cookie sheet. Transfer to the oven and bake until the edges begin to firm up, about 15 minutes. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack. Let the cookie sheet cool completely between batches and repeat with the remaining dough.

Whitney Young, ND

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunshiny Days

Ever notice how much better you feel when it's sunny out!?

Apparently yesterday, Jan 19th, is the most depressing day of the year...I wonder why? Could it possibly be because it's overcast and gray and dreary for about 2 months at this point?? (Could have something to do with the Christmas bills coming in too I guess.)

It was a crystal clear morning sky this morning and I basked in the sunshine for a whole minute and my day got instantly better. We manufacture Vitamin D in our skin from exposure to the sun and when there is a deficiency we may experience a lull in our energy and mood. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is usually experienced during the winter months.

Symptoms may include:

  • emotional imbalances
  • disturbances in sleep patterns
  • decreased enjoyment of daily activities
If you cannot make it to the sunny south during the winter months you could pop in and visit us at The Healing Oasis and try one of these S.A.D. busters!

  • reiki for some emotional balancing
  • nutritional counselling with a Naturopath for supplemental boosts of Vitamin D
  • reflexology to help your endocrine system function better, or
  • a hot stone massage with essential oils to help relax and rejuvenate you

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Optimizing your Massage Treatment

The benefits of a good Massage therapy treatment can last quite a long time if you optimize your regular appointment.

"What does that mean", you ask?

Give your body what it needs to hold on to the positive structural changes you gained during your massage...here's how:

  • soak in a hot epsom salts bath to draw out the metabolites that were released into the tissues
  • drink lots of water after to help re-hydrate your body
  • stretch your entire body, especially the areas that were concentrated on, to help those tissues stay healthy and flexible. (ask your therapist for specific stretches if needed)
  • Watch your posture for positions of tension - if your back is hunched and your face is almost touching your desk this is NOT good!
  • Book your next appointment before you leave so that you don't have to call in for an "emergency visit".
Epsom Salts Bath:

Pour 1 cup of epsom salts into a bath of tolerable hot water
Soak for 20 minutes and rinse off
For relaxation steam inhalation add a few drops of lavender essential oil

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Curing the Common Cold with Natural Medicine

We all have heard there is no cure to the common cold, however, there are many ways to prevent getting sick and get better faster if you do get sick.

"I haven't been sick in years! This is great!" Actually this isn't that great. Getting a mild cold once in a while is actually good practice for your immune system.
Throughout the whole year it's important to balance your immune system through diet, sleep, stress management, and botanical medicine. Curing colds doesn't just start when you get one but taking care of your body so that your colds do not knock you out too hard. Have a natural health care expert assess your current health status to optimize your own personal immune system.

Ginger tea with a kick
Try this recipe at home when you begin to have a cough or cold.
  • Fresh Gingerroot, 1 tbsp chopped
  • Cayenne pepper, a dash
  • Lemon juice, 1/4 of lemon
  • Honey, 1/2 tsp

Boil water and pour over gingerroot and cayenne pepper in tea pot. Let steep for 10 minutes then pour into your cup. Add lemon juice and honey. Drink and inhale the vapours for a mini steam-inhalation. (Learn more about Steam Inhalations soon).

Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter Earrings

Well, we knew it couldn't last long right!? Winter held off for as long as it could but Winter has arrived!! And with a bit of a vengeance for the last few weeks with some pretty low digits on the thermometer.

So, how are you sheilding yourself from Barrie's winter weather and is it affecting your health and body??

Some of my friends laugh at me because my warm mittens come out at the first sign of cold weather but I do not enjoy having cold fingers (and I'm sure those of you reading this who are my clients will agree you don't want them any colder! ;)) And it saves me from jamming them in my pockets with my shoulders shrugged up to my ears. Another necessary article I never leave home without is my scarf! I see many people wearing their shoulders as earrings because they're not wearing a scarf to keep their neck warm.

This posture, compounded with the cold air, leads to tight shoulder and neck muscles which can lead to headaches, stiff necks, jaw pain, and shoulder restrictions and pain.

Dress for the weather and avoid unneccesary body aches and pains. And if you already have these aching body parts you know who to call!! We promise our hands will be warmed up to help ease your discomfort and help you on your way!

Yours in health and wellness,
Lee Anne and The Healing Oasis Team :)